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Matthias Dusesoi

Coach, Trainer, Massage therapist 

My Story


I am delighted to guide you in your process towards a healthy balance in your life, work and/or relationships.
The starting point is (learning to) allow yourself to be fully yourself.
Healthy balance starts from an active awareness of your own processes,
reaction patterns and shadows, your own body and your life energy.
In the session, we gradually bring to the surface what is below the waterline and in the
shadow and transform that into productive energy. We learn to accept what is
is, in order to restore balance and be more powerfully yourself.
To do this, I use my knowledge and experience in integral and creative coaching,
career coaching, systemic constellations, ... 
Together with you, we can also look at a deeper level at what the wisdom of the body has to say and how we can resolve blockages in
the body through visualisation, movement, sound,... 
This can be done with
specific body work exercises as well as with massage.
Various themes can be addressed, i.e. personal, work-related and


Beforehand there is an online intake session.




Possible massages:
Holistic massage takes a holistic approach, which includes not only the physical body
also includes the emotional, mental and energetic body. It is
therefore not merely a relaxing muscle massage but an integral massage. In this massage
in this massage what is going on in your body and make space for it, paying attention
for tensions and blockages that have lodged in the body, so that the
body energy can flow again.

Tantra massage (Thibetan prana flow massage) offers a profound experience in
your body whereby your life energy can flow again. Masculine and feminine
energy (shiva and shakti energy) are awakened and mixed so that you can
can go into complete surrender from your heart.
Tantra massage is not (!) about a sexual experience, nor about
desire, but rather about your life energy being allowed to flow through your entire
body.Only possible after at least 1 holistic massage.




Certificate System Dynamics in Organizations @ Bert Hellinger Institute

Integral Coach Certificate @ YourCoach & Center Open Mind
Certificate Trauma Therapist (essentials) @ Center Open Mind
Certificate in Human Resources Management @ Ehsal Management School


Opleiding holistische massage @ Oost-WestCentrum
Workshop tantramassage @ Tantra-atma
Jaartraject tantra @ The temple of tantric arts


Certificate Silver® Certified Professional @ The House of Change
Train the trainer @ The House Of Change
Certificate LIFO® Coach @ LIFO








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Contact  |  +(32)489620032  | Boulevard de la cambre 72, 1000 Brussels
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