Family constellation
do 24 okt
Introductory Workshop to Family Constellations at Healing Stories. Experience deep ancestral healing for more freedom and authenticity in your life.

Tijd en locatie
24 okt 2024, 19:00 – 21:30
Brussel, Terkamerenlaan 72, 1000 Brussel, België
Over het evenement
Introductory Workshop to Family Constellations at Healing Stories
Experience deep ancestral healing for more freedom and authenticity in your life. Developed by renowned psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, Family Constellations invites us to explore what may be unresolved in us and in our ancestral lines. Our present-day problems and difficulties are found to be influenced by traumas suffered in previous generations of our families, even if those affected now are unaware of the original event in the past.
When disorder is present (either consciously or unconsciously) in our lives, the disruption in the flow of love can span across generations and lifetimes, often emerging as an illness, emotional struggles, unexplained stress, and unhealthy relationships. In Constellation work, we offer a space to reveal the hidden dynamics living inside each of us that are causing these disruptions and are guided back towards order and flow.
In a single session, a Family Constellation attempts to reveal a previously unrecognized systemic dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family. What unfolds from there is a unique and unexplainable transformation.
Meghan Kelly is our facilitator, born and raised in Colorado but now based in Brussels. She is an internationally trained and internationally recognized speaker on the subject of Constellations. Today as an Integrative Therapist Meghan combines Constellation work with other tools including Somatic Therapy and Trauma Recovery (Bioenergetics and Somatic Experience) and Counseling Astrology. She is passionate about sharing Constellations with others for healing, understanding and accessing the greater mystery of life and our family stories. She holds Constellation Circles monthly in Brussels and online. You can find out more about her work here.